Underwater Video, the whale tale tail Ghrelin, hunger and you Today LIVE on WendiRadio, are you worthy?
 My Cat loves to watch TV. I keep telling her to watch her back. She is actually a he, but I have never been able to call cats "he's". This cat goes for walks on the beach with me, and with the neighbors if they are headed out. Open the car door and she is in... rides in the car and really seems to enjoy it. Enough about my cat, let's talk Hypno!
 | A Whale of a Tail! You have to see this video! My brother (formerly known as Tim, now we call him James) is in the bay in Hawaii and setting up our retreat adventures! He was doing some underwater video and something really big swam all around him. Watch the video... I edited it myself. I am getting the hang of this Mac thing. Kind of fun actually.
| Watch the Underwater Video here! You tube version here http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7NEGw9dvmZI
Or the BETTER QUALITY at my Mac gallery, and a variety of file sizes http://gallery.mac.com/iwendi
| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Still Struggling with your weight? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ghrelin... This is the hormone that controls hunger and fullness. Research shows that the more protein you eat, the more the ghrelin is suppressed, meaning you feel full.
The level of ghrelin stays high when fat is consumed. (bad thing) Carbs lower it temporarily, but then send it soaring shortly after. (more bad things) Ghrelin is produced in your stomach. Protein makes it subside so it doesn't reach your brain and you feel full. Good thing.
Now, if you have been paying attention to my previous ramblings, you might remember the one thing that interferes with ghrelin production and makes you feel hungry all the time. What is it? It is quite possibly the one most important factor in our fight with obesity. High Fructose Corn Syrup. Not just fructose, but the High Fructose.
The delayed decrease of the hormone ghrelin has been shown in obese subjects but not in normal weight subjects. This means that chronic consuption of fructose may actually be preconditioning the metabolism of a normal weight individual to behave like an obese individual's metabolism. What does it all mean?
If you read your labels, you will notice that high fructose corn syrup is in almost everything these days. If it is true that it affects the ghrelin and leptin hormones and prevents us from feeling full, it could be responsible for overeating.
In addition to doing your hypno best to create great eating habits and to love your veggies, you should be diligent about staying away from HFCS.
What does this have to do with hypnosis? One of the immediate effects of hypnosis is stopping constant hunger. The brain can very easily feel full or hungry based on my techniques in hypnosis. I just got an email from a man who lost over 100 pounds using his hypnosis CDs. When you focus your brain on specific strategies to change the release of the hormones, the perception of hunger changes. AND the exciting part is that you love to eat veggies. And if you are eating veggies instead of twinkies, things might just work out.
Speaking of twinkies, here is a hilarious video from one of my readers... it involves twinkies. And since laughing until you pee your pants is still seen as a good thing, this might make your morning! http://youtube.com/watch?v=6N6pT4G4g2E
STOP HUNGER - Hot Deal End the Struggle- Get Zen of Thin and feel strong and happy. There is a reason this is the best selling hypnosis diet system in the world! Use this secret link for an amazing price! I am only allowing 50 to be sold at this price. The first 50 get em, after that this special is gone.
OR Get the BOX O' PLEASURE mystery package. $150 of goodies for only $39. See it here.
| | LIVE- WENDI RADIO, with TV Monday - Friday. Every day! What time? Noon pacific time. View it on WendiRadio.com live every day. Chat live, ask questions. Put a reminder on your calendar and join me.
This week- Monday- Is it wrong to Love Money? Your hidden agendas. Tuesday- Can you Love the journey AND the reward? Wednesday- Manifesting and other crap Thursday- Fruitful thoughts and positive beliefs about wealth Friday- A hypno session to make you unstoppable.
Got a question? Need an answer? Send it to me at yourmind@wendi.com and I will try to answer it on the show.
Tune in live, find your local time. Watch previous shows as well. www.WendiRadio.com
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~~~ The best way to predict the future is to invent it. ~~~ I'm such a good lover because I practice a lot on my own. ~~~ The best way to get over a man, is to get under a new one. ~~~ Imagination is more important than knowledge. | Things that go well with the quotes.... ~~~~~~~~~ THINGS YOU NEED NOW!
The Best way to predict the future is to invent it.
Get the Timeline Journey CD OR The Future is Now
I'm such a good lover because I practice a lot on my own.
Get my LOVE THYSELF cd and fall in love with YOU.
The best way to get over a man is to get under a new one.
Time for GETTING OVER THE LOSS OF LOVE, for broken hearts, grieving and healing.
Imagination is more powerful than knowledge.
| Remember-
Sign up for Hawaii Retreat today, space is very limited. More about it and the Whale video!
Get the full Brochure, reply to this email
See some of you in Atlanta Feb 1-3 at Hypnoticon. I will be teaching Addiction Freedom and Hypnotic mystery trance.
GO TO the IACT galaxy of stars in Newport Beach on Feb 1-3 IACT.org
See you in at the WALKABOUT trance weekend Feb 9-10.
Then on the 16-17 Jaime and I will be ready to beat our drums with you. Stay tuned for sign ups!
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